Quiz: Am I An Intellectual?
If someone asked you if you’re a philistine or an intellectual, you’d probably loudly proclaim, “I’m an intellectual.” After all, everyone likes to think of themselves as intellectuals, even if they think that cartoons are high art. Take this test to find out if you truly are an intellectual or if you’re hiding who you really are. Then, once you get the results, embrace your true self, even if that means spending the entire weekend watching Homer Simpson’s antics.
Answer Honestly
When you take this test, you might want to answer questions based on what you want people to think of you, but that is the wrong way to go about it. No one is looking at your answers, so answer honestly. That is the only way you’re going to determine who you really are underneath it all. If you give false answers, you won’t be any closer to finding out who you really are. Then, you won’t be able to enjoy your true self.
Getting Your Results
When you get your results, you might find out that you’re a straight up philistine, a hardcore intellectual, or somewhere in between. If you’re in between the two, you probably enjoying an intellectual discussion as much as you love laughing at cartoons.
As you look at your results, you will probably get a better understanding of yourself. You’ll finally understand why you roll your eyes when people talk about the economy or why you can’t stand it when lowbrow comedy is on the TV.
Share Your Results
This test is meant for sharing. Share your results on social media and encourage your friends to take it. After all, you can benefit from finding out more about your friends, as well. It might turn out that your friend who acts so inspired by modern art would much rather sit at home watching “Robot Chicken” with some buddies.
People spend a lot of time pretending who they are. Stop pretending and find the true you with this test. Then, have some fun with your real personality. Once you unleash the real you, you will be much happier.